Simply wonderful things

“What brought you here?” asked a tousle-headed person with bright eyes, looking at me directly in the eye at Siikajärvi car park in Nuuksio, Finland a good two years ago. At that moment I realised that a common denominator in many of the things I love most is simplicity. These things have found a permanent foothold in my everyday life. I love simplicity. I love looking into a fire, listening to the birdsong, picking mushrooms, swimming in the lake whenever I feel like it. I spent six years without a TV, and I did not miss it. The same applies to my favourite food: baked oatmeal. Nothing fancy – just put some oats in a dish, add some milk and put the dish in the oven.

The tousle-headed person in Nuuksio was Tara Lange, an inspiring author and instructor who had discovered the world of green juices after there was a need for them in her own family. She was one of the instructors on a wild herb and juicing course. Simplicity. That was what had brought me to the course: I wanted to know what kind of grass you can simply eat in the wild and how to prepare it as easily as possible. I loved spending time in nature and I picked berries and mushrooms every year. Now I was keen to find something more to eat and drink directly from the land. I realised that Shindo, which had been an enriching part of most of my grown-up life, had this same kind of simple appeal.

The method is based on the nature closest to you – your own body – using gravity and cleaning the energy flows or meridians in your body. The blockages in the energy pathways manifest themselves as muscle tensions and other feelings of discomfort. A good way to find out about them is to move your body and to do some easy, conscious stretches. Equipment or dedicated activity areas are not necessary. A free space where you can stand, some free floor space or a spot on the lawn for a yoga mat or a blanket is enough. The most important thing you need is a desire to feel more relaxed and bright. After all, we human beings can easily adapt. It often seems that it takes some significant symptoms or big changes for people to start thinking about themselves and to explore the feelings and sensations in their bodies, the reasons behind the symptoms, and whether it is possible to do something about a particular situation. This might have something to do with the Western view of only treating illnesses, or the idea that having an ache is proof that you are alive. In other words, pain is often accepted for one reason or another. In Japanese, on the other hand, the word “pain” is a combination of the characters for “illness” and “flow” or “passing”, meaning that if you direct your attention to the pain and treat it right, you can find your way to health. Treating it right is another question altogether, and it depends on the situation. There can also be more ways than just one. Understanding the situation and seeking advice from a qualified professional is essential, particularly if your symptoms are severe or prolonged. The tools that Shindo offers are mainly intended for maintaining the health of your body and supporting your well-being and recovery when you may have some health issues.

The simplest option is to maintain the health, calmness, flexibility and flow of your body. Relieving stress from your system plays an essential role in all this. There is also research that shows how many diseases are caused by prolonged stress. What would it take to make it easy and compelling enough for you to take a moment to listen to your body and find out where the sore spots are? A moment to take a few deep breaths and apply a few presses to them – and then heave a sigh of relief? Natural recovery. Magically simple.